STEP 2 – NON EXERCISE Related Movement

Recording your movement using an Electronic Device
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Increasing your NON EXERCISE Related Movement
Walk around your house while you’re on phone calls (it’s even better to walk around outside!)
If you have a meeting with your partner or work meeting, do it while walking (and your brain will work better too).
Make it a mandate to use the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator (this can get you an extra 50 to 100 calories burned on average each day).
Stand up or stretch whilst watching your favourite Netflix or TV Show (This can burn THOUSANDS of extra calories each week! Â
Take quick 10 minute walks every 2 hours of your workday to refresh your mind and boost your metabolism.
Walk to the shops.
Consider using one of the stand up desks that are becoming extremely popular right now.
Podcasts, ebooks – play it for yourself while taking a 1 hour walk (this is a POWERFUL way of learning and integrating the information into your body)
Wash your dishes by hand, rather than using the dish washer (I never trusted the dishwasher anyways).

More Ideas
Walking is an easy activity nearly every one of us can accomplish. All we have to do is increase the number of steps we walk everyday and over time the extra energy used comes from our stores fat. It is also fairly simple to increase the number of steps you walk throughout the day. You can park your car down the street from your house. You can park at the farthest spot when shopping. You can go for an easy morning walk while you sip your morning brew. All the steps will add up over time.
Most of us cook at least one meal throughout the day. During this time you can add in some simple movements. When I cook, I like to squat deep when I grab a pan out of the cupboard. When I’m reaching for the spices on the shelf I get right down. When I’m waiting for the food to cook I empty the dishwasher in an EXEGERATED WAY.
Do you watch TV? Tried it sitting on the floor with your back upright and/or cross legged?
- Morning Routine:
Everyone has a morning routine that they go through during their work week. This is an easy time to add some extra movement to your day. The moment you get out of bed, do some push-ups. You do not even have to define a specific amount. Just drop down and give me however many you feel like. When you go to start the coffee or tea, I want you to give me some jumping jacks. The moment you go and brush your teeth, give me some squats before you start or maybe even while you are brushing your teeth if you feel like really multitasking. Just add in some simple movements or tasks that are associated with every stop along your morning routine.
- Evening Routine
Same concept of your morning routine except I want you to do more stretching and more of a yoga pose idea with it. When you are going around the house shutting off the lights, take a deep breath and reach up and then down towards your toes. Locking the doors, I want a nice deep lunge stretch to help loosen up those hip flexors. Do simple more relaxing movements. Not only will these little movements help burn those extra calories, they are going to help mentally and physically relax you before you sleep.
- Your Car
Most people are getting in and out of their car at least once a day. Every time you are getting into your car, add some movement. Do some stretches before you start and when you stop. This is a very simple way to add in those extra calories burned. Try getting into and out of my car without using your hands.
- Ditch the Car:
Mental eh?
- Work
Do not just sit there. Anytime you have a break in your workflow, do a little twist in the chair stretching your back out. If you are stuck there reading your emails, add some arm circles in. You won’t even have to get out of your chair for those arm circles. All the little movements add up. So please, do it for yourself and do not just sit there.
- You & Your Significant Other, family.
You don’t have to be married to have a significant other. Exercising with a bestie, a girlfriend or boyfriend or even a pet is a great way to spend time and feel great.  Just go for a walk together for 10 mins? Go for a walk when your stuck in the numerous kids clubs, parties etc etc etc etc (one more etc) Go and chase your dog for 10 mins.. They will enjoy it and so will you. The point is get moving with the company you have.
- Do a house chore that’s physical
Cleaning the house, hoovering, wash the car, mow the lawn, do the washing, tidy up all the rooms, put up a tree house, chuck out some clutter…. It all counts.